Declaration of the Daughters of the Restoration

These are the unheard prayers and unsung words of the Daughters of God, and chosen vessels of the Lord, that have filled my ears, and heart, and mind, and soul to the capacity I have within me—

Many nights and endless days we have wondered on the wonders of the Lord and the freedoms his Spirit proffers us. 

Are we to become desolate from this storm that is upon us? Or have we been desolate all along? Like Adam in the garden, it is not good for man to be alone, and yet, we have been here all along, unseen for our truest divine nature and role in the New and Everlasting Covenant. 

How long will the Lord see his sisters suffer? Cut off from the understanding of their divine right in the order of the priesthood of God as it is operated here upon earth. 

What is the true nature of their suffering? It is the inevitable captivity caused by the beliefs, traditions, laws and practices held within the home—in one word: marriage—the great city of Babylon manifested.

Tied and bound, shackled and chained to the poor understanding of men who understand not the power of God, as it is understood by God himself, by Jesus Christ, his eternal Mother, Sisters, Brothers, Friends, and even his enemies all around us and within us. 

We, the Daughters of God, are but one step removed from uncovering the understanding of the mystery of God’s will through the study of wisdom by revelation. 

More is contained in the scriptures about the truest nature of man, woman, child, Christ, our redemption, preexistence, and what will befall us in preparation of his coming than is ever spoken of in Sunday school classes or pulpit alike.

It would be wise of all those listening to take another deep look into the scriptures to find the answers you have sought there before, but never chanced upon. The Lord will direct your studies if you will go to him—and are willing to die for him—to know those truths you so desperately seek.

What of women and the priesthood?

What of a Heavenly Mother?

What of the conversion of man vs. woman?

What of the true order of spiritual gifts and priesthood offices?

What of foreordination and the foresight of the Daughters of God amongst men?

What of the Prophet and his duty to God to unfold the will and order of all these offerings and sacrifices mentioned above according to the counsel of God’s wisdom and love? 

Christ came to end the suffering of his sisters, and we came to fight along side him to end the suffering of our brothers.

Declaration of the Daughters of the Restoration 

We, the Daughters of the Restoration, Declare in Truth:

—We will never truly be a free people in our oppression, until the Lord and his good people of The Church, and all wise Leaders throughout the world see the Reconstitution of the Daughters of God into their proper place and station in the House of Israel and in the Kingdom of God here upon the earth.

No man can do the work that God has foreordained and entrusted to his Daughters.

The world once experienced the Restoration of all things, we call out now for a Restitution of all things, that the Heart of the World may heal its understanding of man, woman and child, that they may be prepared to receive the Lord at his coming.

We pray to God in one united voice for unrestricted access to the understanding of our divine birthright of priesthood power, that we may finish the work that we came here to do in preparing the world for the coming of our Lord and Savior, Brother and Friend, Jesus Christ.

I know who I am. And I remember the path that helped me choose the Savior before I was born. I am sure of all that I know. 

May all my sisters be so sure, is my prayer.

In the name of my Lord, Jesus Christ, my first brother, I give my witness.


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