The Shoulder of God


When we think of the government of God we assume the priesthood of God as it is organized amongst men into offices and ordinations, but we cannot dismiss the role of women in every aspect of God’s order. There is a marriage in everything. Even those women who have not been married in this life, share a special relationship with Jesus Christ as daughters of God and are vital to the work of salvation. 

“As a righteous, endowed Latter-day Saint woman, you speak and teach with power and authority from God. Whether by exhortation or conversation, we need your voice teaching the doctrine of Christ. We need your input in family, ward, and stake councils. Your participation is essential and never ornamental!”  President Nelson, Spiritual Treasures, Oct. 2019

What does it mean that the government is on the shoulder of Christ?

What is the government that he spoke of?

Who represents the shoulder of Christ?

And what is the name the priesthood bearers will bear? And what is their burden they will carry?

And what name or crest will be upon the standard that is lifted up?

The daughters are said to be carried on the shoulders…

And the sons in carried in arms…

The standard that will be set up to all people is made of the daughters on the shoulder of their fathers and the sons in the arms of their mother.

The daughters close enough to the ear of their father to be heard easily and clearly.

The sons close enough to their mother’s  heart so that they might learn her wisdom and power.

The key of the house of David is also said to be carried on the shoulder.

This key holds the sealing power.

If the daughters are on the shoulders, and they are holding the keys, who do the keys represent and what is the door they open to what office and for whom?

It is easy to see a marriage of daughter and son, brother and sister, mother and father in all things established under God’s order.


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